Form for receiving complaints, suggestions or acknowledgments IMPORTANT NOTICE: The procedure for filing complaints, suggestions and/or acknowledgments, hereinafter CSA, will be received in accordance with the regulations established in the manual for regulating services provided by the Undermanagement of Customer Service and Information for Airport Passengers and Users. The CSAs directly related to the services provided by airport management will be addressed within 15 business days from the date they are received. The actions performed in that term will be reported to you. For its part, the CSAs regarding airlines, commercial services and situations under the responsibility of authorities associated to Federal Government Offices and Entities that operate in the Air Terminal, will be addressed in accordance with established regulations. To make CSA procedures go faster, please refer to the corresponding office: Airlines: In their offices located inside the airport, before the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC), located in the Mezzanine, office 42, Terminal 1, or in the Government Building, office 30, in Terminal 2. Both offer 24-hour service. You can also call 55 5723-9400 ext. 18919, 18920 and 55 25987250, respectively, or visit the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) email: Commercial services: Directly with Profeco at, or by calling 55 5568-8722 in Mexico City and toll-free elsewhere in Mexico, at 01800 4688722. Federal Government Offices and Entities that operate in the AICM. For situations involving a public servant associated to such Offices and Entities, Your complaint, report, and/or request can be processed using the email address of the website for the Sistema Integral de Quejas y Denuncias Ciudadanas (SIDEC) de la Secretaría de la Función Pública (Integrated System of Citizen Complaints and Reports of the Ministry of Public Administration) . *Required Fields Yes I agree I do not agree