Check by airline, flight number, destination or origin and the status of the flights according to the information provided by airports operating at the Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México.
Departure information
Information of 20/December/2024 09:07
Airline | Destination | Flight | Terminal | Gate | Time | Status |
TIJUANA | AM194 | T2 | M | 23:15 | ON TIME | |
BOGOTA CO | AV23 | T1 | K | 23:15 | ON TIME | |
NEW YORK | AM400 | T2 | K | 23:15 | ON TIME | |
MERIDA YUC | AM840 | T2 | M | 23:15 | ON TIME | |
TORONTO | AM692 | T2 | K | 23:50 | ON TIME |
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